Merry Xmas and happy holidays and all! Hope ya'all have had a great weekend.
The last four weeks have marked the beginning of a event that I have been planning for a long time now, the "Cowell to Cummins Trek". They have been a highly amusing four weeks, filled with laughter, sweat and tears. We finaly have all three horses in and all are working well. Tripper (and myself) have now had our first shoeing experience ( sweat (mine) and laughter (Joes!) ) which saw the big red horse fidget and fiddle to the point that we knee hobbled him to STAND STILL. He decided to scale the tie up rail instead, then scale it backwards ( A pretty big feet for a hobbled horse!) and procedded to stand like an angel for the rest of the shoeing. Joe has implimented a new rule at the yards - no visitors while Ebony's wearing the farriers apron (which he made for me for xmas - bless) as apparently my language leaves a little to be desired...
Joe had his own "swearing" moment when Woggie (otherwise known as Deargo and The big red and white horse) was having a lunging lesson - around a pole planted in the ground about six foot in the middle of our big yard. Woggie decided that lunging wasn't his caper and procedeed to run to the end of his rope plant his feet and toss his head back - HARD. So hard infact that all 700kms of pure agro horse flesh pitted against solid steel wirh some plaited bailing tine inbetween and a few stainless steel clips - well neverless the clips and rope bit the dust the first two times he did this. The third time he bent the pole almost level to the ground. patience and persistance (and lots of sweat!! Woggies of course) and the big red and white horse now lunges freely, happily minus the pole.
Buck has proven to be worth his weight in gold time and time again, like the day we were trotting up the creek - leading Woggie and I had let the reins go to concentrate on the big horse we were leading. He chose that moment to spring out past us, full gallop and attempt to outrun us in the creek. Before "Shit" had even made it from my mind to my lips Buck had sprung off after him, wheeled in next too him and we had him under control in seconds. It was one of those classic "Look Mum no hands" moments. Or the other day we were cantering down the railway track and he was feeling his steak sandwich, having the odd buck and fart (still leading Woggie) and the girth gaveway. By the time "Whoa buddy" had left my lips he had sat down on his haunches, ducked his head at Woggie as if to say "Whoa Buddy" himself and stopped stock still. We proceedd to do a quick repair and within a few minutes back on our merry way. Minus the bucking, still farting tho. Or then there was that gale force day, where the trian (the tracks are four metres from the track we ride) came round the corner too silently and just a little bit too fast. The driver and me locked shocked eyes before he spend past us leaving us to 30 odd screaming carrages as the wind picked up the sound as they roared past us. Neither horse even batted an eyelid. Not even a ear moved in the direction of the train. The couldn't care less. They both got a double sized bucket of goodies that morning!
Ok well i'd better sign off now, it's a horse free few days and my nephews are scheming some sand boarding adventures for us.
Till next time
Ride fearless